
FFmpeg - The Ultimate Guide

My role

My client is working on to provide highly technical, useful content on their blog. They reached out to me to write an article about the popular command line application, FFmpeg.

FFmpeg is the go-to application when you need to do server-side media manipulation, analysis and much more.

The interface of FFmpeg is very, very unfriendly, and if you have never worked with it, it is heads-on intimidating.

So that’s what my client wanted to provide to their visitors: a useful guide for developers on how to use FFmpeg.

The deliverable

I have first produced the outline, the “table of contents”, and then upon agreement with my client, I have written a comprehensive, step-by-step tutorial on using FFmpeg, titled: The ultimate guide to FFmpeg.

I covered video manipulation as well as audio manipulation, but before all that I went through the basics of the syntax, and even the basics of modern media containers and formats.


The article was welcomed by the community, and people regularly find me out just to thank me for this article.

It was top ranking article at the time on Hacker News :

Ever since it received more than 980 points and more than 135 comments.

My client recently told me that the article is still receiving substantial traffic.